A Brilliant Harbour Scene in Pastel
‘Vibrant’ has always been one of my favourite paintings. I wish I could say that it is a place I have visited but as yet, sadly no.
As it happens, my sister and her family were holidaying in Malta and they sent me some of their photos.
This particular scene leaped out at me me and I knew immediately it was a painting I simply had to do.
I loved the overall composition and the wonderful boats. I was fascinated by their shape, design and colour, which I grew to know intimately, as I tried to capture their look and character.
It was one of those paintings that I was tempted to walk away from on a few occasions. For a time there it was either that or tear my hair out.
The boats themselves were challenging enough and then there was the issue of the background…
It is usually a balancing act, trying to ensure the foreground is the focal point and not overshadowed by a background, which itself needs to be sufficiently visible but not a dominant feature.