
I was walking along the banks of the Yarra River near Warrandyte one morning when the sight of a beautiful Rosella caught my eye.

He was perched on a branch of a flowering gum tree and holding on for dear life as it was particularly windy day.

With his feet firmly planted on a branch and his claws wrapped underneath, he looked like he was enjoying some sort of white knuckle carnival ride, as the tree rocked and swayed in the blustery wind.

By the same token, he seemed almost oblivious to the conditions, as he stared back at me with a look of confidence that bordered on indifference.

Perhaps he knew full well just how striking and beautiful he was – his glorious, colourful plumage a veritable celebration of native fauna.

He puffed out his chest with pride, his rich, red breast contrasting with the gold, green and blue of his feathers and tail.

He was such a delightful subject to paint. A magnificent combination of colours set amidst a beautiful native gum tree.

There were so many colours and shades to capture, together with the cheeky personality of the bird himself.


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